
Sunday, December 2, 2012

Now, where was I...?

Oh yes. I remember now. I was supposed to be working on my novel for NaNoWriMo all of November. That's why I haven't been blogging. Yeah, that's the ticket.

Sadly that's not the case. I haven't been writing much of anything other than the occasional email or tweet. I can "Forward", "Share", and "Like" with the best of 'em tho'.

I've also been a bit busy with my Family Tree Maker and Amazing things can be found, like Pres. John Quincy Adams is my 1st cousin 10x removed (back through the Sherwood/Bunnell line). George Washington Adams, Pres. Adams's father, was my 2nd cousin 9x removed (and he was born in Berlin, Germany in 1801). Then, we have relations with the last name Gump (2nd cousin 2x removed, also through the Sherwood/Bunnell line). There's even a Simon Peter Zeiter (the brother-in-law of my 1st cousin 3x removed, back through the Sherwood/Weber line). I have family from France/Germany, and all four of the British Isles. And that's all just off the top of my head; I'm sure I'd find more interesting things to share if I had the time to go digging.

But now it's December, and that means the holidays are in full swing. Let the shopping begin!

Actually, I'd rather forgo the crowds at the mall. I end up getting a bit claustrophobic, all penned up with people surrounding me with their carts full of stuff and screaming kids. I'm not claustrophobic; I managed a head CT with no problem. You know, where they put you in this little tube that's about two inches from your face, for what feels like hours. That was a breeze. And anyone who knows me knows I love kids. But navigating through crowded, noisy aisles? Not so much.

It's a good thing I tend to be nocturnal. I've found that the best time to go shopping is to hit Walmart after midnight. Not many people, and a few of the ones who *are* there are drunk - which can be quite entertaining. My favorite was the guy wandering the store and singing along (loudly) to the Christmas tunes playing overhead. Try it, and let me know how it goes. I bet you'll get some great stories out of it.

So today (Sunday) is my normal laundry day. I'll see if we can't dig out the Christmas decorations too, see what we have/don't have, what works/doesn't work, all that jazz. Then maybe I'll make that midnight run to Walmart for lights and stuff. ;-)

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa, Happy Muharaam, and Happy New Year (just in case I don't make it back on here before next year).

Don't worry... be happy...


Don't Panic. (and always bring your towel)

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